Frequntly asked any questions

Unfortunately, some restaurants don’t take bookings or haven’t yet shifted to a digital booking system. Where possible we still list these restaurants onsite – we want Savour to list as many of your favourite restaurants as possible.
How do I Claim a Free Coupon?
Restaurant are committed to honour any confirmed bookings we have generated. For added peace of mind you should always reconfirm your booking using the the link included in your reminder email, and it's also a good idea to take your confirmation email with you. Call the restaurant. Every restaurant is different, but most will hold a booking for at least twenty minutes before.
How do I Make a regular Table Booking?
Restaurant are committed to honour any confirmed bookings we have generated. For added peace of mind you should always reconfirm your booking using the the link included in your reminder email, and it's also a good idea to take your confirmation email with you. Call the restaurant. Every restaurant is different, but most will hold a booking for at least twenty minutes before.
How do I book a Bookable-Special?
Restaurant are committed to honour any confirmed bookings we have generated. For added peace of mind you should always reconfirm your booking using the the link included in your reminder email, and it's also a good idea to take your confirmation email with you. Call the restaurant. Every restaurant is different, but most will hold a booking for at least twenty minutes before.
Why do you need my email address?
Restaurant are committed to honour any confirmed bookings we have generated. For added peace of mind you should always reconfirm your booking using the the link included in your reminder email, and it's also a good idea to take your confirmation email with you. Call the restaurant. Every restaurant is different, but most will hold a booking for at least twenty minutes before.
What happens if I don't reconfirm my booking?
Restaurant are committed to honour any confirmed bookings we have generated. For added peace of mind you should always reconfirm your booking using the the link included in your reminder email, and it's also a good idea to take your confirmation email with you. Call the restaurant. Every restaurant is different, but most will hold a booking for at least twenty minutes before.
What happens if I'm running late?
Restaurant are committed to honour any confirmed bookings we have generated. For added peace of mind you should always reconfirm your booking using the the link included in your reminder email, and it's also a good idea to take your confirmation email with you. Call the restaurant. Every restaurant is different, but most will hold a booking for at least twenty minutes before.

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